CrediMax supports The Bahraini Catalyst for Disabilities Association

March 16, 2020

CrediMax recently supported The Bahraini Catalyst for Disabilities Association providing them a customized minivan, which comes in line with the company’s commitment to support its community.

“CrediMax has always taken its role in the local community very seriously that is why our Corporate Social Responsibility strategy puts so much emphasis on giving back to the community where we work and operate. We are very proud to be able to support the association and hope this will positively impact their initiatives and endeavors.” said Chief Executive of CrediMax, Mr. Yousif Ali Mirza.

Mr. Riyadh AlMarzooq, Chairman of The Bahraini Catalyst for Disabilities Association, expressed hi sincere thanks and appreciation to Mr. Yousif Ali Mirza and CrediMax for their generous support in providing a customized bus which will surely play a vital role in continuing to motivate the members of the association as a whole.

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