CrediMax and BENEFIT are pleased to announce the roll out of their Digital Wallets acceptance, “MaxWallet” and “BenefitPay” at Ramez Group. Both MaxWallet and BenefitPay users will be able to pay for their purchases on CrediMax Point of Sale (POS) machines, providing them a frictionless and secure payment experience.
“We are pleased to continue and support our clients’ needs to overcome challenges impacted by COVID-19. Along with the physical card payment transaction, our POS terminals accept digital Wallets “MaxWallet” and “BenefitPay”, Tap and Go (Contactless) transactions with the highest security standards. CrediMax is committed to provide reliable and smart solutions to its consumers, as the spread of COVID-19 increased the awareness on the need of adapting innovative payment solutions and making it a priority payment option.” said Mr. Ahmed A. Seyadi, CrediMax Chief Executive
“We are pleased at Ramez Group to activate contactless payment services through MaxWallet and BenefitPay Apps as well as through contactless cards in all our branches and in e-commerce activities and we believe in the importance of promoting electronic payments, especially during the current period, which is witnessing efforts to combat the spread of the new Coronavirus and keep pace with the successes of the Kingdom of Bahrain in adopting modern technologies and promoting the transition to electronic services in the financial and business sectors, and in various aspects of economic and social life.” Commented Mr. Mohammed Ramez, CEO of Ramez Group
“It gives me great pleasure to announce this wonderful cooperation, enabling users of BenefitPay to make purchases through the application at Ramiz Group. And this cooperation based upon our distinct partnership with CrediMax for unified QR Code. We look forward to offering our valued customers with fast and secure payment options. We play an important role in innovating financial transactions in the Kingdom, and this too is an important step to provide our community with easier and safer ways to make purchases, reducing their exposure to infections by eliminating the need for physical cash, especially with the recent Coronavirus outbreak.” added Mr. Abdulwahed AlJanahi, Chief Executive Officer of BENEFIT