CrediMax holds its Annual Staff Gathering

February 13, 2019

CrediMax held its annual Staff Gathering at The Ritz – Carlton Hotel on 7th of February, attended by CrediMax’s Chief Executive Mr. Yousif Ali Mirza, the Executive Management and all staff members. At the event, Mr Yousif Ali Mirza gave a speech in which he thanked the staff, hailing the high level of commitment and dedication in serving the company and contributing to its prestigious status in the Kingdom.

“We strongly believe that human capital is one of our greatest assets and such events are great for showcasing their hard work and milestones. I encourage all our employees to further continue developing themselves and their skills to keep pace with the current growing trends in the payment financial sector” said the Chief Executive of CrediMax, Mr. Yousif Ali Mirza.

One of the main highlights of the event was the Service Award ceremony, celebrating employee’s long service which ranged from 5 years to 20 years as well as the Star of The Year award was presented to Mr. Hassan Mohsen. Also, the previous Social Staff Committee members were honored for their time and services throughout the previous years and the new members of the Committee were introduced, wishing them the best of luck for the coming years.

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