CrediMax is pleased to announce its latest feature to its Mobile App where the users can now save their debit card payment details making e-service experience easy, enjoyable and hassle free for all our customers. After saving the information and making the first successful quick payment, customers can make subsequent payments instantly, securely and seamlessly by simply selecting the card without the need of adding the card details for every payment.
CrediMax Mobile App provides a highly secure application platform with a wide range of features. Optimized for a seamless, intuitive experience, the App offers extensive support for card transactions and offers customers real-time access to information such as full outstanding amount, available balance and real-time payments and transactions.
The App also includes real-time exchange rates for its currencies available on its latest Multi-Currency Pre-Paid Contactless Card product “Cardy EX”. Customers can also initiate requests such as increase credit card limits and request new or supplementary cards. They can view the latest offers and promotions from CrediMax, as well as update their personal details, make payments and stop cards.