CrediMax Moves Towards Sustainable Banking

April 3, 2024

Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, xx March 2024: CrediMax, a pioneer in Bahrain’s financial landscape, is proud to announce its recent initiative to champion environmental responsibility. The company proudly unveils its commitment towards sustainability through the issuance of all cards on offer to be crafted from recycled plastic.  


In a strategic move aligned with its corporate social responsibility objectives, CrediMax has partnered with suppliers to offer cards manufactured from recycled materials. This step underscores CrediMax’s dedication to environmental stewardship, as it actively addresses plastic waste while catering to the evolving needs of its customers. The utilization of recycled plastic reflects CrediMax’s commitment to reducing its ecological footprint and contributing to the preservation of finite resources.


Ahmed A. Seyadi, Chief Executive Officer of CrediMax, expressed his enthusiasm for these initiatives, stating that offering recycled plastic cards and contributing to a greener future is the primary aim in CrediMax.


CrediMax remains steadfast in its commitment towards sustainability, continuously seeking opportunities to integrate environmentally friendly practices into its operations. The company aims to prioritize sustainability, ultimately working towards a more sustainable future.

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